At this stage of the game; trust is completely broken down.
Oh, wait .. That's America's politicians; .. so sad.
Dr. Guesser: What is your earliest memory? How old were you and what were your thoughts?
Buster: I only recall being short. The walls were near me. I could control the walls and mark on them with crayons or pencils that belonged to my brothers and sisters. The walls were my friend. They would hold me up so I wouldn't fall.
At three years old; I saw my mother very disturbed and yelling at someone outside the front door; another woman. She knew I was there too. I watched astonished. My mother was very loud. Eventually the door was slammed shut.
I recall; being the center of attention in preparation for a big day; so I was told. It would be my fourth birthday and somehow that was a major day. My sisters and brothers asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I told them; a wind-up airplane. That's what I saw on the cartoons and that's what I wanted.
I actually remember our family's first television. It was set in a corner and my father was there. He set it up; turned it on and backed away. I sat near my sister, (she was eight years old; I was three) and we watched some black & white show. Ultimately; it was on cartoons.
Then I met Billy.
| Dr. Guesser: I'd like this answer from Robbin. Who was Billy?
Robbin: A kid next door. Actually, he may have lived two doors down. We had a normal house. several bedrooms, a yard in front and back. A sidewalk along the front. Fenced in the back. Just like Billys' house. Billy was a year younger than me. I'd play in his house sometimes. His mother was always near - yet; it was Billy and I who played. She just was around. I remember his mother. She was tall. I don't remember her face.
I'm pretty sure I invited him to my birthday party when I turned four years old. I got a big baby-blue tricycle. It was almost too big for me. I got a new pair of Levi pants and there was a big thin slab of bubble gum in the back pocket. I remember my sister hinting for me to check the pocket. And I remember she wanted that gum. She asked for some and so we split it in half I believe.
Shortly after my fourth birthday. We moved away. At the time I didn't know why, or even what that really meant. I didn't care. I just enjoyed playing with Billy.
I do recall however paying close attention to the way back to Billys' house from our new home. I planned to return there.
Dr. Guesser: Okay. I would like to ask Laup Dnalb a similar question. Laup. Did you remember the way back to Billy's house from your new home?
Laup: I do. Of course I do. And I did at the time as well. In fact, I convinced a new kid on the block to travel to Billy's from my new house. I rode a tricycle and towed a wagon. Randy sat in the wagon.
Dr. Guesser: Who was the new kid on the block? You? or Randy?
Laup: It was I.. However, Randy was new to me and he didn't really matter. I only liked him because he had a battery operated robot and some other toys that I liked. And his sister, Linda; she was older. Linda was cute.
Dr. Guesser: How old were you when you took Randy back to your old house to see Billy?
Laup: Four; I think.
Dr. Guesser: And, how old were you when you first thought of his sister, Linda, as cute?
Laup: Same age. same time. Four I think, then five, and six or so.. until whenever it was that they moved away.
Dr. Guesser: Well; it seems the more questions you answer, the more unanswered questions I have. I would like to know about the scar on your ankle. I would like to know about your trip back to your old neighborhood to see Billy. I want to know more about Linda. And I want to know why you consider "Randy" as the new kid; when it was you who were new in the neighborhood.
Buster is a child. Plays, pretends, and enjoys company to do the same. Nobody knows Robbin; by name. He's cynical and questions authority. He's dominant however has no animosity toward others. Luap is an old soul. No other explanation available.